
This section describes how to generate function call graph for user Trusted Applications using ftrace.

The configuration option CFG_TA_FTRACE_SUPPORT=y enables OP-TEE to collect function graph information from Trusted Applications running in user mode and compiled with -pg. Once collected, the function graph data is formatted in the ftrace.out format and sent to tee-supplicant via RPC, so they can be saved to disk, later processed and displayed using helper script called present as part of optee_os repo.


  • Build OP-TEE OS and OP-TEE Client with CFG_TA_FTRACE_SUPPORT=y. You may also set CFG_ULIBS_MCOUNT=y in OP-TEE OS to instrument the user TA libraries (libutee, libutils, libmpa).
  • Build user TAs with -pg, for instance enable CFG_TA_MCOUNT=y to instrument whole TA. Also, in case user wants to set -pg for a particular file, following should go in corresponding cflags-<file-name>-y+=-pg. Note that instrumented TAs have a larger .bss section. The memory overhead depends on CFG_FTRACE_BUF_SIZE macro which can be configured specific to user TAs using config: CFG_FTRACE_BUF_SIZE=4096 (default value: 2048, refer to the TA linker script for details: ta/arch/arm/ta.ld.S).
  • Run the application normally. When the current session exits or there is any abort during TA execution, tee-supplicant will write function graph data to /tmp/ftrace-<ta_uuid>.out. If the file already exists, a number is appended, such as: ftrace-<ta_uuid>.1.out.
  • Run helper script called to translate the function graph addresses into function names: cat ftrace-<ta_uuid>.out | ./optee_os/scripts/ -d <ta_uuid>.elf