Trusted Applications
There are two ways to implement Trusted Applications (TAs), Pseudo TAs and user mode TAs. User mode TAs are full featured Trusted Applications as specified by the GlobalPlatform API TEE specifications, these are simply the ones people are referring to when they are saying “Trusted Applications” and in most cases this is the preferred type of TA to write and use.
Pseudo Trusted Applications
A Pseudo Trusted Application is not a Trusted Application. A Pseudo TA is not a specific entity. A Pseudo TA is an interface. It is an interface exposed by the OP-TEE Core to its outer world: to secure client Trusted Applications and to non-secure client entities.
These are implemented directly to the OP-TEE core tree in, e.g.,
and are built along with and statically built into the
OP-TEE core blob.
The Pseudo Trusted Applications included in OP-TEE already are OP-TEE secure privileged level services hidden behind a “GlobalPlatform TA Client” API. These Pseudo TAs are used for various purposes such as specific secure services or embedded tests services.
Pseudo TAs do not benefit from the GlobalPlatform Core Internal API support specified by the GlobalPlatform TEE specs. These APIs are provided to TAs as a static library each TA shall link against (the “libutee”) and that calls OP-TEE core service through system calls. As OP-TEE core does not link with libutee, Pseudo TAs can only use the OP-TEE core internal APIs and routines.
As Pseudo TAs runs at the same privileged execution level as the OP-TEE core code itself and that might or might not be desirable depending on the use case.
In most cases an unprivileged (user mode) TA is the best choice instead of
adding your code directly to the OP-TEE core. However if you decide your
application is best handled directly in OP-TEE core like this, you can look at
as a template and just add your Pseudo TA based on
that to the
in the same directory.
User Mode Trusted Applications
User Mode Trusted Applications are loaded (mapped into memory) by OP-TEE core in the Secure World when something in Rich Execution Environment (REE) wants to talk to that particular application UUID. They run at a lower CPU privilege level than OP-TEE core code. In that respect, they are quite similar to regular applications running in the REE, except that they execute in Secure World.
Trusted Application benefit from the GlobalPlatform TEE Internal Core API as specified by the GlobalPlatform TEE specifications. There are several types of user mode TAs, which differ by the way they are stored.
TA locations
Plain TAs (user mode) can reside and be loaded from various places. There are three ways currently supported in OP-TEE.
Early TA
The so-called early TAs are virtually identical to the REE FS TAs, but instead
of being loaded from the Normal World file system, they are linked into a
special data section in the TEE core blob. Therefore, they are available even
before tee-supplicant
and the REE’s filesystems have come up. Please find
more details in the early TA commit.
REE filesystem TA
They consist of a ELF file, signed and optionally encrypted, named from the
UUID of the TA and the suffix .ta
. They are built separately from the
OP-TEE core boot-time blob, although when they are built they use the same
build system, and are signed with the key from the build of the original OP-TEE
core blob.
Because the TAs are signed and optionally encrypted with
, they are able to be stored in the untrusted REE
filesystem, and tee-supplicant
will take care of passing them to be checked
and loaded by the Secure World OP-TEE core.
REE-FS TA rollback protection
OP-TEE core maintains a ta_ver.db
file in secure storage to check for
version of REE TAs as they are loaded from REE-FS in order to prevent against
any TA version downgrades. TA version can be configured via TA build option:
CFG_TA_VERSION=<unsigned integer>
Note: Here rollback protection is effective only when CFG_RPMB_FS=y
REE-FS TA formats
REE filesystem TAs come in three formats:
Legacy TAs signed, not encrypted, cannot be created anymore by the build scripts since version 3.7.0.
Bootstrap TAs, signed with the key from the build of the original OP-TEE core blob, not encrypted.
Encrypted TAs, sign-then-encrypt-then-MAC, encrypted with
. During OP-TEE runtime, the symmetric key used to decrypt TA has to be provided in a platform specific manner via overriding API:TEE_Result tee_otp_get_ta_enc_key(uint32_t key_type, uint8_t *buffer, size_t len);
REE-FS TA header structure
All REE filesystems TAs has common header, struct shdr
, defined as:
enum shdr_img_type {
SHDR_TA = 0,
#define SHDR_MAGIC 0x4f545348
* struct shdr - signed header
* @magic: magic number must match SHDR_MAGIC
* @img_type: image type, values defined by enum shdr_img_type
* @img_size: image size in bytes
* @algo: algorithm, defined by public key algorithms TEE_ALG_*
* from TEE Internal API specification
* @hash_size: size of the signed hash
* @sig_size: size of the signature
* @hash: hash of an image
* @sig: signature of @hash
struct shdr {
uint32_t magic;
uint32_t img_type;
uint32_t img_size;
uint32_t algo;
uint16_t hash_size;
uint16_t sig_size;
* Commented out element used to visualize the layout dynamic part
* of the struct.
* hash is accessed through the macro SHDR_GET_HASH and
* signature is accessed through the macro SHDR_GET_SIG
* uint8_t hash[hash_size];
* uint8_t sig[sig_size];
#define SHDR_GET_SIZE(x) (sizeof(struct shdr) + (x)->hash_size + \
#define SHDR_GET_HASH(x) (uint8_t *)(((struct shdr *)(x)) + 1)
#define SHDR_GET_SIG(x) (SHDR_GET_HASH(x) + (x)->hash_size)
The field img_type
tells the type of TA, if it’s SHDR_TA
it’s a legacy TA. If it’s SHDR_BOOTSTRAP_TA
(1) it’s a bootstrap TA.
The field algo
tells the algorithm used. The script used to sign TAs
currently uses TEE_ALG_RSASSA_PKCS1_V1_5_SHA256
(0x70004830). This
means RSA with PKCS#1v1.5 padding and SHA-256 hash function. OP-TEE accepts
any of the TEE_ALG_RSASSA_PKCS1_*
For bootstrap TAs struct shdr
is followed by a subheader, struct
which is defined as:
* struct shdr_bootstrap_ta - bootstrap TA subheader
* @uuid: UUID of the TA
* @ta_version: Version of the TA
struct shdr_bootstrap_ta {
uint8_t uuid[sizeof(TEE_UUID)];
uint32_t ta_version;
The fields uuid
and ta_version
allows extra checks to be performed
when loading the TA. Currently only the uuid
field is checked.
For encrypted TAs struct shdr
is followed by a subheader, struct
which is followed by another subheader, struct
defined as:
* struct shdr_encrypted_ta - encrypted TA header
* @enc_algo: authenticated encyption algorithm, defined by symmetric key
* algorithms TEE_ALG_* from TEE Internal API
* specification
* @flags: authenticated encyption flags
* @iv_size: size of the initialization vector
* @tag_size: size of the authentication tag
* @iv: initialization vector
* @tag: authentication tag
struct shdr_encrypted_ta {
uint32_t enc_algo;
uint32_t flags;
uint16_t iv_size;
uint16_t tag_size;
* Commented out element used to visualize the layout dynamic part
* of the struct.
* iv is accessed through the macro SHDR_ENC_GET_IV and
* tag is accessed through the macro SHDR_ENC_GET_TAG
* uint8_t iv[iv_size];
* uint8_t tag[tag_size];
The field enc_algo
tells the algorithm used. The script used to encrypt
TAs currently uses TEE_ALG_AES_GCM
(0x40000810). OP-TEE core also accepts
The field flags
supports a single flag to tell encryption key type which
is defined as:
enum shdr_enc_key_type {
REE-FS TA binary formats
TA binary follows the ELF file which normally is stripped as additional symbols etc will be ignored when loading the TA.
Legacy TA binary is formatted as:
hash = H(<struct shdr> || <stripped ELF>)
signature = RSA-Sign(hash)
legacy_binary = <struct shdr> || <hash> || <signature> || <stripped ELF>
Bootstrap TA binary is formatted as:
hash = H(<struct shdr> || <struct shdr_bootstrap_ta> || <stripped ELF>)
signature = RSA-Sign(<hash>)
bootstrap_binary = <struct shdr> || <hash> || <signature> ||
<struct shdr_bootstrap_ta> || <stripped ELF>
Encrypted TA binary is formatted as:
nonce = <unique random value>
ciphertext, tag = AES_GCM(<stripped ELF>)
hash = H(<struct shdr> || <struct shdr_bootstrap_ta> ||
<struct shdr_encrypted_ta> || <nonce> || <tag> || <stripped ELF>)
signature = RSA-Sign(<hash>)
encrypted_binary = <struct shdr> || <hash> || <signature> ||
<struct shdr_bootstrap_ta> ||
<struct shdr_encrypted_ta> || <nonce> || <tag> ||
Verifying with Subkeys
A TA can be verified using a subkey or a chain of subkeys. This allows delegation of TA signing without distributing the root key. TAs signed with a subkey are confined to the UUID-V5 namespace of the subkey to avoid TA UUID clashes with different subkeys.
SHDR_SUBKEY is a type of header which enables chains of public keys. The public root key is used to verify the first public subkey, which then is used to verify the next public subkey and so on.
The TA is finally verified using the last subkey. All these headers are added in front of the TA binary so everything needed to verify the TA is available when it’s loaded into memory.
For details on subkeys see also Subkeys
Loading REE-FS TA
A REE TA is loaded into shared memory using a series or RPC in Loading a REE TA into nonsecure shared memory. The payload memory is allocated via TEE-supplicant and later freed when the TA has been loaded into secure memory in Freeing previously allocated nonsecure shared memory.

Loading a REE TA into nonsecure shared memory

Freeing previously allocated nonsecure shared memory
Secure Storage TA
These are stored in secure storage. The meta data is stored in a database of all installed TAs and the actual binary is stored encrypted and integrity protected as a separate file in the untrusted REE filesystem (flash). Before these TAs can be loaded they have to be installed first, this is something that can be done during initial deployment or at a later stage.
For test purposes the test program xtest can install a TA into secure storage with the command:
$ xtest --install-ta
TAs stored in secure storage are kept in a TA database. The TA database
consists of a single file with the name dirf.db
which is stored either
in the REE filesystem based secure storage or in RPMB. The file is
encrypted and integrity protected as any other object in secure storage.
The TAs themselves are not stored in dirf.db
, they are instead stored
in the REE filesystem encrypted and integrity protected. One reason for
this is that TAs can potentially be quite large, several megabytes, while
secure storage is designed to hold only small objects counted in kilobytes.
constsist of an array of struct tadb_entry
, defined as:
* struct tee_tadb_property
* @uuid: UUID of Trusted Application (TA) or Security Domain (SD)
* @version: Version of TA or SD
* @custom_size:Size of customized properties, prepended to the encrypted
* TA binary
* @bin_size: Size of the binary TA
struct tee_tadb_property {
TEE_UUID uuid;
uint32_t version;
uint32_t custom_size;
uint32_t bin_size;
* struct tadb_entry - TA database entry
* @prop: properties of TA
* @file_number: encrypted TA is stored in <file_number>.ta
* @iv: Initialization vector of the authentication crypto
* @tag: Tag used to validate the authentication encrypted TA
* @key: Key used to decrypt the TA
struct tadb_entry {
struct tee_tadb_property prop;
uint32_t file_number;
uint8_t iv[TADB_IV_SIZE];
uint8_t tag[TADB_TAG_SIZE];
uint8_t key[TADB_KEY_SIZE];
Entries where the UUID
consists of zeros only are not valid and are
ignored. The file_number
field represents that name of the file stored
in the REE filesystem. The filename is made from the decimal string
representation of file_number
with .ta
appended, or if it was to be
printed: printf("%u.ta", file_number)
The TA is decrypted using the authentication encryption algorithm AES-GCM
initialized with the iv
and key
fields, the tag
field is used
when finalizing the decryption
A TA is looked up in the TA database by opening dirf.db
and scanning
through the elements which are of type struct tadb_entry
until a
matching UUID is found.
Loading and preparing TA for execution
User mode TAs are loaded into final memory in the same way using the user
mode ELF loader ldelf
. The different TA locations has a common
interface towards ldelf
which makes the user mode operations identical
regarless of how the TA is stored.
The TA is loaded into secure memory in Preparing TA for execution.

Preparing TA for execution
After ldelf
has returned with a TA prepared for execution it still
remains in memory to serve the TA if dlopen() and friends are used.
is also used to dump stack trace and detailed memory mappings if
a TA is terminated via an abort.
A high level view of the entire flow from the client application in Linux user space where a session is opened to a TA is given in Open session to a TA.

Open session to a TA
TA Properties
This section give a more in depth description of the TA properties (see Trusted Applications also).
GlobalPlatform Properties
Standard TA properties are defined through dedicated macros in
header file. Macros TA_FLAGS
are required, other TA_*
macros referred below are
Single Instance
is a boolean property of the TA. This property
defines if one instance of the TA must be created and will receive all open
session request, or if a new specific TA instance must be created for each
incoming open session request. The TA flag TA_FLAG_SINGLE_INSTANCE
the configuration of this property. The boolean property is set to true
set, otherwise the boolean
property is set to false
is a boolean property of the TA. This property defines
if the TA instance can handle several sessions. If disabled, TA instance support
only one session. In such case, if the TA already has a opened session, any open
session request will return with a busy error status.
This property is meaningless if TA is NOT SingleInstance TA.
sets the configuration of this property.
The boolean property is set to true
has the bit
set, otherwise the boolean property is set to
Keep Alive
is a boolean property of the TA. This property
defines if the TA instance created must be destroyed or not when all sessions
opened towards the TA are closed. If the property is enabled, TA instance, once
created (at 1st open session request), is never removed unless the TEE itself is
restarted (boot/reboot).
This property is meaningless if TA is NOT SingleInstance TA.
sets the configuration of this
property. The boolean property is set to true
has the bit
set, otherwise the boolean property is set to
is a 32bit integer property defining TA endianness. OP-TEE
currently only supports little-endian TAs hence if enforces value 0 for this
This property was introduced in version 1.2 of the TEE Internal Core API.
Closing Corrupted Objects
is a boolean property telling
whether the TA shall close object handles for corrupted objects.
sets the
configuration of this property. The boolean property is set to true
otherwise the boolean property is set to false
This property was introduced in version 1.3 of the TEE Internal Core API.
Heap Size
is a 32bit integer property of the TA. This property
defines the size in bytes of the TA allocation pool, in which TEE_Malloc()
and friends allocate memory. The value of the property must be defined by the
in user_ta_header_defines.h
TA Properties).
Stack Size
is a 32bit integer property of the TA. This property
defines the size in bytes of the stack used for TA execution. The value of the
property must be defined by the macro TA_STACK_SIZE
(see TA Properties).
TA version
is a string property defining the version of the TA.
There are no specific constraints on the format of the version ID.
The value of the property may be defined by the macro TA_VERSION
(see TA Properties). If the
macro is not defined in user_ta_header_defines.h
then the TA property
will default to "Undefined version"
TA Description
is a string property describing the TA.
The value of the property may be defined by the macro TA_DESCRIPTION
(see TA Properties). If the
macro is not defined in user_ta_header_defines.h
then the TA property
will default to "Undefined description"
Property Extensions
Secure Data Path Flag
is a bit flag supported by TA_FLAGS
. This
property flag claims the secure data support from the OP-TEE OS for the TA.
Refer to the OP-TEE OS for secure data path support. TAs that do not set
in the value of TA_FLAGS
will not be able
to handle memory reference invocation parameters that relate to secure data path
Cache maintenance Flag
is a bit flag supported by TA_FLAGS
. This
property flag, when enabled, allows Trusted Applciation to use the cache
maintenance API extension of the Internal Core API described in
Cache Maintenance Support. TAs that do not set
in the value of their TA_FLAGS
will not be
able to call the cache maintenance API.
Deprecated Property Flags
Older versions of OP-TEE used to define extended property flags that are
deprecated and meaningless to current OP-TEE. These are TA_FLAG_USER_MODE