
This page contains a couple of guidelines and rules that we want to try to follow when it comes to managing the manifests.

git location


Since most of our projects can be found on GitHub, we are using that as the main remote. If you need to include other remotes for some reason, then that is OK, but please double check of there is any maintained (and preferably official) mirror for the project at GitHub before adding a new remote.


To have some kind of structure of the files, we have split them up in three sections, one for pure OP-TEE gits, one for OP-TEE supporting gits found at linaro-swg and then a third, misc section where everything else can be found. I.e., a template looks like this (this also includes the default remote for clarity):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <remote name="github" fetch="" />

        <default remote="github" revision="master" />

        <!-- OP-TEE gits -->
        <!-- linaro-swg gits -->
        <!-- Misc gits -->

Project XML elements

All <projects ... > lines should be on the format as shown below with the attributes in this order. The reason for this is to have it uniformly done across all manifests and that it will make it easier when comparing various versions of manifests with diff tools. All three attributes are mandatory. The only exception is revision which does not have to be stated if it is master that we are tracking.

<project path="name_and_path_on_disk" name="upstream_name.git" revision="git_revsion" />

Alphabetic order

Within each of the three sections, all <project ... > lines shall be sorted in alphabetic order (this is again for making it easier to diff manifests). The only expection here is build.git which uses the linkfile element. Having that at the end makes it look cleaner.

Additional XML attributes

If you are using another remote than the default, then that should come after the revision attribute (this is true for all attributes other than the path, name and revision).

Alignment of XML attributes

The three mandatory XML attributes path, name and revision should be column aligned. Alignment of additional XML attributes are optional.

When to use clone-depth=”1”?

With clone-depth="1" you are telling repo and git that you only want a certain commit and not the entire git log history. You can only use this under two conditions and that is when revision is either a branch or a tag. Pure SHA-1's does not work and will even raise repo and git sync errors in some cases. So, the rules are, if you use either revision="refs/tags/my_tag" or revision="refs/heads/my_branch", then you shall add clone-depth="1" right after the revision attribute.

Spaces or tabs?

Only use spaces!


Here is an example showing the basis for an OP-TEE manifest. The names are fictive etc, but it describes everything said above.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <remote name="github" fetch="" />
        <remote name="other" fetch="" />

        <default remote="github" revision="master" />

        <!-- OP-TEE gits -->
        <project path="optee_abc" name="OP-TEE/optee_abc.git" />
        <project path="optee_def" name="OP-TEE/optee_def.git" />

        <!-- linaro-swg gits -->
        <project path="lswg_abc"  name="linaro-swg/lswg-abc.git" revision="aaaabbbbcccc93e64c2fdd6ae8b0be14a8c45719" />
        <project path="lswg_def"  name="linaro-swg/lswg-def.git" revision="ddddeeeeffff83e64c2fdd6ae8b0be14a8c45719" />

        <!-- Misc gits -->
        <project path="my_other"  name="my_other.git"            revision="refs/tags/2017.11" clone-depth="1" remote="other" />