
Interrupt handling

This section describes how optee_os handles switches of world execution context based on SMC exceptions and interrupt notifications. Interrupt notifications are IRQ/FIQ exceptions which may also imply switching of world execution context: normal world to secure world, or secure world to normal world.

Use cases of world context switch

This section lists all the cases where OP-TEE OS is involved in world context switches. Optee_os executes in the secure world. World switch is done by the core’s secure monitor level/mode, referred below as the Monitor.

When the normal world invokes the secure world, the normal world executes a SMC instruction. The SMC exception is always trapped by the Monitor. If the related service targets the trusted OS, the Monitor will switch to OP-TEE OS world execution. When the secure world returns to the normal world, OP-TEE OS executes a SMC that is caught by the Monitor which switches back to the normal world.

When a secure interrupt is signaled by the Arm GIC, it shall reach the OP-TEE OS interrupt exception vector. If the secure world is executing, OP-TEE OS will handle interrupt straight from its exception vector. If the normal world is executing when the secure interrupt raises, the Monitor vector must handle the exception and invoke OP-TEE OS to serve the interrupt.

When a non-secure interrupt is signaled by the Arm GIC, it shall reach the normal world interrupt exception vector. If the normal world is executing, it will handle straight the exception from its exception vector. If the secure world is executing when the non-secure interrupt raises, OP-TEE OS will temporarily return back to normal world via the Monitor to let normal world serve the interrupt.

Core exception vectors

Monitor vector is VBAR_EL3 in AArch64 and MVBAR in Armv7-A/AArch32. Monitor can be reached while normal world or secure world is executing. The executing secure state is known to the Monitor through the SCR_NS.

Monitor can be reached from a SMC exception, an IRQ or FIQ exception (so-called interrupts) and from asynchronous aborts. Obviously monitor aborts (data, prefetch, undef) are local to the Monitor execution.

The Monitor can be external to OP-TEE OS (case CFG_WITH_ARM_TRUSTED_FW=y). If not, provides a local secure monitor core/arch/arm/sm. Armv7-A platforms should use the OP-TEE OS secure monitor. Armv8-A platforms are likely to rely on an Trusted Firmware A.

When executing outside the Monitor, the system is executing either in the normal world (SCR_NS=1) or in the secure world (SCR_NS=0). Each world owns its own exception vector table (state vector):

  • VBAR_EL2 or VBAR_EL1 non-secure or VBAR_EL1 secure for AArch64.

  • HVBAR or VBAR non-secure or VBAR secure for Armv7-A and AArch32.

All SMC exceptions are trapped in the Monitor vector. IRQ/FIQ exceptions can be trapped either in the Monitor vector or in the state vector of the executing world.

When the normal world is executing, the system is configured to route:

  • secure interrupts to the Monitor that will forward to OP-TEE OS

  • non-secure interrupts to the executing world exception vector.

When the secure world is executing, the system is configured to route:

  • secure and non-secure interrupts to the executing OP-TEE OS exception vector. OP-TEE OS shall forward the non-secure interrupts to the normal world.

Optee_os non-secure interrupts are always trapped in the state vector of the executing world. This is reflected by a static value of SCR_(IRQ|FIQ).

Native and foreign interrupts

Two types of interrupt are defined from OP-TEE OS point of view.

  • Native interrupt - The interrupt handled by OP-TEE OS, secure interrupts targetting S-EL1 or secure privileged mode

  • Foreign interrupt - The interrupt not handled by OP-TEE OS, non-secure interrupts targetting normal world or secure interrupts targetting EL3.

For Arm GICv2 mode, a native interrupt is signalled with a FIQ and a foreign interrupt is signalled with an IRQ. For Arm GICv3 mode, a foreign interrupts is signalled as a FIQ which could be handled by either secure world (aarch32 Monitor mode or aarch64 EL3) or normal world.

Arm GICv3 mode can be enabled by setting CFG_ARM_GICV3=y. Native interrupts must be securely routed to OP-TEE OS. Foreign interrupts, when trapped during secure world execution might need to be efficiently routed to the normal world.

IRQ and FIQ keeps their meaning in normal world so for clarity we will keep using those names in the normal world context.

Normal World invokes OP-TEE OS using SMC

Entering the Secure Monitor

The monitor manages all entries and exits of secure world. To enter secure world from normal world the monitor saves the state of normal world (general purpose registers and system registers which are not banked) and restores the previous state of secure world. Then a return from exception is performed and the restored secure state is resumed. Exit from secure world to normal world is the reverse.

Some general purpose registers are not saved and restored on entry and exit, those are used to pass parameters between secure and normal world (see ARM_DEN0028A_SMC_Calling_Convention for details).

Entry and exit of Trusted OS

On entry and exit of Trusted OS each CPU is uses a separate entry stack and runs with IRQ and FIQ masked. SMCs are categorised in two flavors: fast and yielding.

  • For fast SMCs, OP-TEE OS will execute on the entry stack with IRQ/FIQ masked until the execution returns to normal world.

  • For yielding SMCs, OP-TEE OS will at some point execute the requested service with interrupts unmasked. In order to handle interrupts, mainly forwarding of foreign interrupts, OP-TEE OS assigns a trusted thread (core/arch/arm/kernel/thread.c) to the SMC request. The trusted thread stores the execution context of the requested service. This context can be suspended and resumed as the requested service executes and is interrupted. The trusted thread is released only once the service execution returns with a completion status.

    For yielding SMCs, OP-TEE OS allocates or resumes a trusted thread then unmasks the IRQ and FIQ lines. When the OP-TEE OS needs to invoke the normal world from a foreign interrupt or a remote service call, OP-TEE OS masks IRQ and FIQ and suspends the trusted thread. When suspending, OP-TEE OS gets back to the entry stack.

  • Both fast and yielding SMCs end on the entry stack with IRQ and FIQ masked and OP-TEE OS invokes the Monitor through a SMC to return to the normal world.

participant "Normal World" as nwd
participant "Secure Monitor" as smon
participant "OP-TEE OS entry" as entry
participant "OP-TEE OS" as optee
== IRQ and FIQ unmasked ==
nwd -> smon : smc: TEE_FUNC_INVOKE
== IRQ and FIQ masked ==
smon -> smon : Save non-secure context
smon -> smon : Restore secure context
smon --> entry : eret: TEE_FUNC_INVOKE
entry -> entry : assign thread
entry -> optee : TEE_FUNC_INVOKE
== IRQ and FIQ unmasked ==
optee -> optee : process
== IRQ and FIQ masked ==
optee --> entry : SMC_CALL_RETURN
entry -> smon : smc: SMC_CALL_RETURN
smon -> smon : Save secure context
smon -> smon : Restore non-secure context
== IRQ and FIQ unmasked ==
smon --> nwd : eret: return

SMC entry to secure world

Deliver non-secure interrupts to Normal World

Forward a Foreign Interrupt from Secure World to Normal World

When a foreign interrupt is received in secure world as an IRQ or FIQ exception then secure world:

  1. Saves trusted thread context (entire state of all processor modes for Armv7-A)

  2. Masks all interrupts (IRQ and FIQ)

  3. Switches to entry stack

  4. Issues an SMC with a value to indicates to normal world that an IRQ has been detected and last SMC call should be continued

The monitor restores normal world context with a return code indicating that an IRQ is about to be delivered. Normal world issues a new SMC indicating that it should continue last SMC.

The monitor restores secure world context which locates the previously saved context and checks that it is a return from a foreign interrupt that is requested before restoring the context and lets the secure world foreign interrupt handler return from exception where the execution would be resumed.

Note that the monitor itself does not know or care that it has just forwarded a foreign interrupt to normal world. The bookkeeping is done in the trusted thread handling in OP-TEE OS. Normal world is responsible to decide when the secure world thread should resume execution (for details, see Thread handling).

participant "Normal World" as nwd
participant "Secure Monitor" as smon
participant "OP-TEE OS entry" as entry
participant "OP-TEE OS" as optee
== IRQ and FIQ unmasked ==
optee -> optee : process
== IRQ and FIQ unmasked,\nForeign interrupt received ==
optee -> optee : suspend thread
optee -> entry : forward foreign interrupt
entry -> smon : smc: forward foreign interrupt
smon -> smon: Save secure context
smon -> smon: Restore non-secure context
== IRQ and FIQ unmasked ==
smon --> nwd : eret: IRQ forwarded
== FIQ unmasked, IRQ received ==
nwd -> nwd : process IRQ
== IRQ and FIQ unmasked ==
nwd -> smon : smc: return from IRQ
== IRQ and FIQ masked ==
smon -> smon : Save non-secure context
smon -> smon : Restore secure context
smon --> entry : eret: return from foreign interrupt
entry -> entry : find thread
entry --> optee : resume execution
== IRQ and FIQ unmasked ==
optee -> optee : process

Foreign interrupt received in secure world and forwarded to normal world

Deliver a foreign interrupt to normal world when ``SCR_NS`` is set

Since SCR_IRQ is cleared, an IRQ will be delivered using the exception vector (VBAR) in the normal world. The IRQ is received as any other exception by normal world, the monitor and the OP-TEE OS are not involved at all.

Deliver secure interrupts to Secure World

A secure (foreign) interrupt can be received during two different states, either in normal world (SCR_NS is set) or in secure world (SCR_NS is cleared). When the secure monitor is active (Armv8-A EL3 or Armv7-A Monitor mode) FIQ and IRQ are masked. FIQ reception in the two different states is described below.

Deliver secure interrupt to secure world when SCR_NS is set

When the monitor traps a secure interrupt it:

  1. Saves normal world context and restores secure world context from last secure world exit (which will have IRQ and FIQ blocked)

  2. Clears SCR_FIQ when clearing SCR_NS

  3. Does a return from exception into OP-TEE OS via the secure interrupt entry point

  4. OP-TEE OS handles the native interrupt directly in the entry point

  5. OP-TEE OS issues an SMC to return to normal world

  6. The monitor saves the secure world context and restores the normal world context

  7. Does a return from exception into the restored context

participant "Normal World" as nwd
participant "Secure Monitor" as smon
participant "OP-TEE OS entry" as entry
participant "OP-TEE OS" as optee
== IRQ and FIQ unmasked ==
== Running in non-secure world (SCR_NS set) ==
nwd -> nwd : process
== IRQ and FIQ masked,\nSecure interrupt received ==
smon -> smon : Save non-secure context
smon -> smon : Restore secure context
smon --> entry : eret: native interrupt entry point
entry -> entry: process received native interrupt
entry -> smon: smc: return
smon -> smon : Save secure context
smon -> smon : Restore non-secure context
smon --> nwd : eret: return to Normal world
== IRQ and FIQ unmasked ==
nwd -> nwd : process

Secure interrupt received when SCR_NS is set

Deliver FIQ to secure world when SCR_NS is cleared

participant "Normal World" as nwd
participant "Secure Monitor" as smon
participant "OP-TEE OS entry" as entry
participant "OP-TEE OS" as optee
== IRQ and FIQ unmasked ==
optee -> optee : process
== IRQ and FIQ unmasked,\nForeign interrupt received ==
optee -> optee : suspend thread
optee -> entry : forward foreign interrupt
entry -> smon : smc: forward foreign interrupt
smon -> smon: Save secure context
smon -> smon: Restore non-secure context
== IRQ and FIQ unmasked ==
smon --> nwd : eret: IRQ forwarded
== FIQ unmasked, IRQ received ==
nwd -> nwd : process IRQ
== IRQ and FIQ masked,\nSecure interrupt received ==
smon -> smon : Save non-secure context
smon -> smon : Restore secure context
smon --> entry : eret: native interrupt entry point
entry -> entry : process received native interrupt
entry -> smon: smc: return
smon -> smon : Save secure context
smon -> smon : Restore non-secure context
smon --> nwd : eret: return to Normal world
== FIQ unmasked\nIRQ still being processed ==
nwd -> nwd : process IRQ
== IRQ and FIQ unmasked ==
nwd -> smon : smc: return from IRQ
== IRQ and FIQ masked ==
smon -> smon : Save non-secure context
smon -> smon : Restore secure context
smon --> entry : eret: return from foreign interrupt
entry -> entry : find thread
entry --> optee : resume execution
== IRQ and FIQ unmasked ==
optee -> optee : process

FIQ received while processing an IRQ forwarded from secure world

Trusted thread scheduling

Trusted thread for standard services

OP-TEE yielding services are carried through standard SMC. Execution of these services can be interrupted by foreign interrupts. To suspend and restore the service execution, optee_os assigns a trusted thread at yielding SMC entry.

The trusted thread terminates when optee_os returns to the normal world with a service completion status.

A trusted thread execution can be interrupted by a native interrupt. In this case the native interrupt is handled by the interrupt exception handlers and once served, optee_os returns to the execution trusted thread.

A trusted thread execution can be interrupted by a foreign interrupt. In this case, optee_os suspends the trusted thread and invokes the normal world through the Monitor (optee_os so-called RPC services). The trusted threads will resume only once normal world invokes the optee_os with the RPC service status.

A trusted thread execution can lead optee_os to invoke a service in normal world: access a file, get the REE current time, etc. The trusted thread is first suspended then resumed during remote service execution.

Scheduling considerations

When a trusted thread is interrupted by a foreign interrupt and when optee_os invokes a normal world service, the normal world gets the opportunity to reschedule the running applications. The trusted thread will resume only once the client application is scheduled back. Thus, a trusted thread execution follows the scheduling of the normal world caller context.

Optee_os does not implement any thread scheduling. Each trusted thread is expected to track a service that is invoked from the normal world and should return to it with an execution status.

The OP-TEE Linux driver (as implemented in drivers/tee/optee since Linux kernel 4.12) is designed so that the Linux thread invoking OP-TEE gets assigned a trusted thread on TEE side. The execution of the trusted thread is tied to the execution of the caller Linux thread which is under the Linux kernel scheduling decision. This means trusted threads are scheduled by the Linux kernel.

Trusted thread constraints

TEE core handles a static number of trusted threads, see CFG_NUM_THREADS.

Trusted threads are expensive on memory constrained system, mainly because of the execution stack size.

On SMP systems, optee_os can execute several trusted threads in parallel if the normal world supports scheduling of processes. Even on UP systems, supporting several trusted threads in optee_os helps normal world scheduler to be efficient.

Core handlers for native interrupts

OP-TEE core provides methods for device drivers to setup and register handler functions for native interrupt controller drivers (see:ref:native_foreign_irqs). Interrupt handlers can be nested as when an interrupt controller exposes interrupts which signaling is multiplexed on an interrupt controlled by a parent interrupt controller.

Interrupt controllers are represented by an instance of struct itr_chip. An interrupt controller exposes a given number of interrupts, each identified by an index from 0 to N-1 where N is the total number of interrupts exposed by that controller. In the literature, an interrupt index identifier is called interrupt number.

Interrupt management API functions

Interrupt management resources are declared in header file interrupt.h. Interrupt consumers main API functions are:

  • interrupt_enable() and interrupt_disable() to respectively enable or disable an interrupt.

  • interrupt_mask() and interrupt_unmask() to respectively mask or unmask an interrupt. Masking of an enabled interrupt temporarily disables the interrupt while unmasking enables a previously masked interrupt. interrupt_mask() and interrupt_unmask() are allowed to be called from an interrupt context, but interrupt_enable() and interrupt_disable() not so.

  • interrupt_configure() to configure an interrupt detection mode and priority.

  • interrupt_add_handler() to configure an interrupt and register an interrupt handler function, see below.

  • interrupt_remove_handler() to unregister an interrupt handler function from an interrupt.

When the configuration switch CFG_DT is enabled, OP-TEE core provides a way to describe the platform’s interrupt topology using Device Tree. When used, the platform must provide a secure device tree blob (DTB) which platform and device drivers can use to get references to interrupt controllers and relative interrupt numbers they consume. The Main API functions are:

  • interrupt_register_provider() to register an interrupt controller related to a given node in the Device Tree. This function requires, among its arguments, a callback function that is called when an interrupt consumer requires a reference to a specific interrupt exposed by the controller. The callback function shall be of type itr_dt_get_func and, upon success, it shall fill the provided instance of struct irq_desc to describe the interrupt.

  • interrupt_dt_get(), interrupt_dt_get_by_index() and interrupt_dt_get_by_name() to be used by interrupt consumer driver to get the reference to the interrupt controller and number it consumes, based on the properties found in the consumer Device Tree node.

Interrupt controller drivers

An interrupt controller instance, named chip (struct itr_chip) defines operation function handlers for management of the interrupt(s) it controls. An interrupt chip driver must provide operation handler functions .add, .mask, .unmask, .enable and .disable. There are other operation handler functions that are optional, as for example .rasie_pi, .raise_sgi and .set_priority.

An interrupt chip driver registers the controller instance with API function itr_chip_init(). The driver calls the registered interrupt consumer(s) handler(s) with API function interrupt_call_handlers().

CPU main interrupt controller driver

The CPU interrupt controller (e.g. a GIC instance on Arm architecture CPUs) is called the main interrupt controller. Its driver must register as main controller using API function interrupt_main_init(). The function is in charge of calling itr_chip_init() for that chip instance.

Interrupt consumer drivers can get a reference to the main interrupt controller with the API function interrupt_get_main_chip().

Interrupt handlers

Interrupt handler functions are callback functions registered by interrupt consumer drivers that core shall call when the related interrupt occurs. Structure struct itr_handler references a handler. It contains the handler function entry point, the interrupt number, the interrupt controller device and a few more parameters.

An interrupt handler function return value is of type enum itr_return. It shall return ITRR_HANDLED when the interrupt is served and ITRR_NONE when the interrupt cannot be served.

The interrupt handler runs in an interrupt context rather than a thread context. When this occurs, all other interrupts are masked, necessitating fast execution of the interrupt handler to avoid delaying or missing out on other interrupts. When an interrupt occurs that requires the completion of long-running operations, the interrupt handler should request the OP-TEE bottom half thread (see Notifications) to execute those operations.

API function interrupt_add_handler(), interrupt_add_handler_with_chip() and interrupt_alloc_add_handler() configure and register a handler function to a given interrupt.

API function interrupt_create_handler() only registers a handler function for a given interrupt. It is to be used with dt_get_interrupt() and friends, where these later are in charge on interrupt configuration.

API function interrupt_remove_handler() and interrupt_remove_free_handler() unregister a registered handler.

Interrupt consumer driver

A typical implementation of a driver consuming an interrupt includes retrieving of the interrupt resource (interrupt controller and interrupt number in that controller), configuring the interrupt, registering a handler for the interrupt and enabling/disabling the interrupt.

For example, the dummy driver below prints a debug trace when the related interrupt occurs:

static struct itr_handler *foo_int1_handler;

static struct foo_int1_data = {
        /* field with some interrupt handler private data */

static enum itr_return foo_it_handler_fn(struct itr_handler *h)
        DMSG("Interrupt FOO%u served", h->it);

        return ITRR_HANDLED;

static TEE_Result foo_initialization(void)
        TEE_Result res = TEE_ERROR_GENERIC;

        res = interrupt_alloc_add_handler(itr_core_get(),
        if (res)
                return res;

        interrupt_enable(itr_chip, it_num);

        return TEE_SUCCESS;

static void foo_release(void)
        if (foo_int1_handler) {


Using device tree

Device drivers can rely on Device Tree to get references to the interrupt they consume. Refer to the Device Tree documentation for how to properly define interrupt controller chip devices and reference interrupts in consumer device nodes.

The example in the previous section implementing an interrupt consumer driver could be implemented as below, when the platform uses Device Tree means to define some platform resources.

static TEE_Result foo_probe(const void *fdt, int node, const void *compat)
        TEE_Result res = TEE_ERROR_GENERIC;
        struct itr_handler *itr_handler = NULL;
        struct itr_chip *itr_chip = NULL;
        size_t itr_num = 0;

        res = dt_get_interrupt(fdt, node, &itr_chip, &itr_num);
        if (res)
                return res;

        res = interrupt_create_handler(&itr_chip, &itr_num,
        if (res)
                return res;

        interrupt_enable(itr_chip, it_num);


        return TEE_SUCCESS;

        interrupt_disable(itr_chip, it_num);

        return res;


static const struct dt_device_match foo_match_table[] = {
        { .compatible = "bar,foo" },
        { }

DEFINE_DT_DRIVER(foo_dt_driver) = {
        .name = "foo-driver",
        .match_table = foo_match_table,
        .probe = foo_probe,


There are two kinds of notifications that secure world can use to make normal world aware of some event.

  1. Synchronous notifications delivered with OPTEE_RPC_CMD_NOTIFICATION using the OPTEE_RPC_NOTIFICATION_SEND parameter.

  2. Asynchronous notifications delivered with a combination of a non-secure interrupt and a fast call from the non-secure interrupt handler.

Secure world can wait in normal for a notification to arrive. This allows the calling thread to sleep instead of spinning when waiting for something. This happens for instance when a thread waits for a mutex to become available.

Synchronous notifications are limited by depending on RPC for delivery, this is only usable from a normal thread context. Secure interrupt handler or other atomic context cannot use synchronous notifications due to this.

Asynchrononous notifications uses a platform specific way of triggering a non-secure interrupt. This is done with itr_raise_pi() in a way suitable for a secure interrupt handler or another atomic context. This is useful when using a top half and bottom half kind of design in a device driver. The top half is done in the secure interrupt handler which then triggers normal world to make a yielding call into secure world to do the bottom half processing.

participant "OP-TEE OS\ninterrupt handler" as sec_itr
participant "OP-TEE OS\nfastcall handler" as fastcall
participant "Interrupt\ncontroller" as itc
participant "Normal World\ninterrupt handler" as ns_itr
participant "Normal World\nthread" as ns_thr
participant "OP-TEE OS\nyielding do bottom half" as bottom

itc --> sec_itr : Secure interrupt
activate sec_itr
sec_itr -> sec_itr : Top half processing
sec_itr --> itc : Trigger NS interrupt
itc --> ns_itr : Non-secure interrupt
activate ns_itr
sec_itr --> itc: End of interrupt
deactivate sec_itr
ns_itr -> fastcall ++: Get notification
fastcall -> ns_itr --: Return notification
alt Do bottom half notifcation
    ns_itr --> ns_thr : Wake thread
    activate ns_thr
    ns_itr --> itc: End of interrupt
    deactivate ns_itr
    ns_thr -> bottom ++: Do bottom half
    bottom -> bottom : Process bottom half
    bottom -> ns_thr --: Done
    deactivate ns_thr
else Some other notification

Top half, bottom half example

participant "OP-TEE OS\nthread 1" as sec_thr1
participant "Normal World\nthread 1" as ns_thr1
participant "OP-TEE OS\nthread 2" as sec_thr2
participant "Normal World\nthread 2" as ns_thr2

activate ns_thr1
ns_thr1 -> sec_thr1 ++ : Invoke
sec_thr1 -> sec_thr1 : Lock mutex
sec_thr1 -> sec_thr1 : Process
activate ns_thr2
ns_thr2 -> sec_thr2  ++: Invoke
sec_thr2 -> ns_thr2 -- : RPC: Wait for mutex
ns_thr2 -> ns_thr2 : Wait for notifcation
deactivate ns_thr2
sec_thr1 -> sec_thr1 : Unlock mutex
sec_thr1 -> ns_thr1 -- : RPC: Notify mutex unlocked
ns_thr1 --> ns_thr2 : Notify mutex unlocked
activate ns_thr2
ns_thr1 -> sec_thr1 ++ : Return from RPC
sec_thr1 -> sec_thr1 : Process
sec_thr1 -> ns_thr1 -- : Return from Invoke
deactivate ns_thr1
ns_thr2 -> sec_thr2 ++ : Return from RPC
sec_thr2 -> sec_thr2 : Lock mutex
sec_thr2 -> sec_thr2 : Process
sec_thr2 -> sec_thr2 : Unlock mutex
sec_thr2 -> sec_thr2 : Process
sec_thr2 -> ns_thr2 -- : Return from Invoke
deactivate ns_thr2

Synchronous example

Notifications are identified with a value, allocated as:

0 - 63

Mixed asynchronous and synchronous range

64 - Max

Synchronous only range

If the Max value is smaller than 63, then there’s only the mixed range.

If asynchronous notifications are enabled then is the value 0 reserved for signalling the a driver need a bottom half call, that is the yielding call OPTEE_MSG_CMD_DO_BOTTOM_HALF.

The rest of the asynchronous notification values are managed with two functions notif_alloc_async_value() and notif_free_async_value().

Memory objects

A memory object, MOBJ, describes a piece of memory. The interface provided is mostly abstract when it comes to using the MOBJ to populate translation tables etc. There are different kinds of MOBJs describing:

  • Physically contiguous memory
    • created with mobj_phys_alloc(...).

  • Virtual memory
    • one instance with the name mobj_virt available.

    • spans the entire virtual address space.

  • Physically contiguous memory allocated from a tee_mm_pool_t *
    • created with mobj_mm_alloc(...).

  • Paged memory
    • created with mobj_paged_alloc(...).

    • only contains the supplied size and makes mobj_is_paged(...) return true if supplied as argument.

  • Secure copy paged shared memory
    • created with mobj_seccpy_shm_alloc(...).

    • makes mobj_is_paged(...) and mobj_is_secure(...) return true if supplied as argument.


Translation tables

OP-TEE supports two translation table formats:

  1. Short-descriptor translation table format, available on ARMv7-A and ARMv8-A AArch32

  2. Long-descriptor translation format, available on ARMv7-A with LPAE and ARMv8-A

ARMv7-A without LPAE (Large Physical Address Extension) must use the short-descriptor translation table format only. ARMv8-A AArch64 must use the long-descriptor translation format only.

Translation table format is a static build time configuration option, CFG_WITH_LPAE. The design around the translation table handling has been centered around these factors:

  1. Share translation tables between CPUs when possible to save memory and simplify paging

  2. Support non-global CPU specific mappings to allow executing different TAs in parallel.

Short-descriptor translation table format

Several L1 translation tables are used, one large spanning 4 GiB and two or more small tables spanning 32 MiB. The large translation table handles kernel mode mapping and matches all addresses not covered by the small translation tables. The small translation tables are assigned per thread and covers the mapping of the virtual memory space for one TA context.

Memory space between small and large translation table is configured by TTBCR. TTBR1 always points to the large translation table. TTBR0 points to the a small translation table when user mapping is active and to the large translation table when no user mapping is currently active. For details about registers etc, please refer to a Technical Reference Manual for your architecture, for example Cortex-A53 TRM.

The translation tables has certain alignment constraints, the alignment (of the physical address) has to be the same as the size of the translation table. The translation tables are statically allocated to avoid fragmentation of memory due to the alignment constraints.

Each thread has one small L1 translation table of its own. Each TA context has a compact representation of its L1 translation table. The compact representation is used to initialize the thread specific L1 translation table when the TA context is activated.

digraph xlat_table {
    graph [
        rankdir = "LR"
    node [
        shape = "ellipse"
    edge [
    "node_ttb" [
        label = "<f0> TTBR0 | <f1> TTBR1"
        shape = "record"
    "node_large_l1" [
        label = "<f0> Large L1\nSpans 4 GiB"
        shape = "record"
    "node_small_l1" [
        label = "Small L1\nSpans 32 MiB\nper entry | <f0> 0 | <f1> 1 | ... | <fn> n"
        shape = "record"

    "node_ttb":f0 -> "node_small_l1":f0 [ label = "Thread 0 ctx active" ];
    "node_ttb":f0 -> "node_small_l1":f1 [ label = "Thread 1 ctx active" ];
    "node_ttb":f0 -> "node_small_l1":fn [ label = "Thread n ctx active" ];
    "node_ttb":f0 -> "node_large_l1" [ label="No active ctx" ];
    "node_ttb":f1 -> "node_large_l1";

Long-descriptor translation table format

Each CPU is assigned a L1 translation table which is programmed into Translation Table Base Register 0 (TTBR0 or TTBR0_EL1 as appropriate).

L1 and L2 translation tables are statically allocated and initialized at boot. Normally there is only one shared L2 table, but with ASLR enabled the virtual address space used for the shared mapping may need to use two tables. An unused entry in the L1 table is selected to point to the per thread L2 table. With ASLR configured this means that different per thread entry may be selected each time the system boots. Note that this entry will only point to a table when the per thread mapping is activated.

The L2 translation tables in their turn point to L3 tables which use the small page granularity of 4 KiB. The shared mappings has the L3 tables initialized too at boot, but the per thread L3 tables are dynamic and are only assigned when the mapping is activated.

digraph xlat_table {
    graph [ rankdir = "LR" ];
    node [ ];
    edge [ ];

    "ttbr0" [
        label = "TTBR0"
        shape = "record"
    "node_l1" [
        label = "<h> Per CPU L1 table | <f0> 0 | <f1> 1 | <f2> 2 | <f3> 3"
        shape = "record"
    "shared_l2_n" [
        label = "<h> Shared L2 table n | 0 | ... | 512"
        shape = "record"
    "shared_l2_m" [
        label = "<h> Shared L2 table m | 0 | ... | 512"
        shape = "record"
    "per_thread_l2" [
        label = "<h> Per thread L2 table | 0 | ... | 512"
        shape = "record"
    "ttbr0" -> "node_l1":h;
    "node_l1":f2 -> "shared_l2_n":h;
    "node_l1":f3 -> "shared_l2_m":h;
    "node_l1":f0 -> "per_thread_l2":h;

Example translation table setup with 4GiB virtual address space with L3 tables excluded

Page table cache

Page tables used to map TAs are managed with the page table cache. When the context of a TA is unmapped, all its page tables are released with a call to pgt_free(). All page tables needed when mapping a TA are allocated using pgt_alloc().

A fixed maximum number of translation tables are available in a pool. One thread may execute a TA which needs all or almost all tables. This can block TAs from being executed by other threads. To ensure that all TAs eventually will be permitted to execute pgt_alloc() temporarily frees eventual tables allocated before waiting for tables to become available.

The page table cache behaves differently depending on configuration options.

Without paging (CFG_WITH_PAGER=n)

This is the easiest configuration. All page tables are statically allocated in the .nozi.pgt_cache section. pgt_alloc() allocates tables from the free-list and pgt_free() returns the tables directly to the free-list.

With paging enabled (CFG_WITH_PAGER=y)

Page tables are allocated as zero initialized locked pages during boot using tee_pager_alloc(). Locked pages are populated with physical pages on demand from the pager. The physical page can be released when not needed any longer with tee_pager_release_phys().

With CFG_WITH_LPAE=y each translation table has the same size as a physical page which makes it easy to release the physical page when the translation table isn’t needed any longer. With the short-descriptor table format (CFG_WITH_LPAE=n) it becomes more complicated as four translation tables are stored in each page. Additional bookkeeping is used to tell when the page for used by four separate translation tables can be released.

With paging of user TA enabled (CFG_PAGED_USER_TA=y)

With paging of user TAs enabled a cache of recently used translation tables is used. This can save us from a storm of page faults when restoring the mappings of a recently unmapped TA. Which translation tables should be cached is indicated with reference counting by the pager on used tables. When a table needs to be forcefully freed tee_pager_pgt_save_and_release_entries() is called to let the pager know that the table can’t be used any longer.

When a mapping in a TA is removed it also needs to be purged from cached tables with pgt_flush_ctx_range() to prevent old mappings from being accidentally reused.

Switching to user mode

This section only applies with following configuration flags:



When switching to user mode only a minimal kernel mode mapping is kept. This is achieved by selecting a zeroed out big L1 translation in TTBR1 when transitioning to user mode. When returning back to kernel mode the original L1 translation table is restored in TTBR1.

Switching to normal world

When switching to normal world either via a foreign interrupt (see Native and foreign interrupts or RPC there is a chance that secure world will resume execution on a different CPU. This means that the new CPU need to be configured with the context of the currently active TA. This is solved by always setting the TA context in the CPU when resuming execution.


OP-TEE currently requires >256 KiB RAM for OP-TEE kernel memory. This is not a problem if OP-TEE uses TrustZone protected DDR, but for security reasons OP-TEE may need to use TrustZone protected SRAM instead. The amount of available SRAM varies between platforms, from just a few KiB up to over 512 KiB. Platforms with just a few KiB of SRAM cannot be expected to be able to run a complete TEE solution in SRAM. But those with 128 to 256 KiB of SRAM can be expected to have a capable TEE solution in SRAM. The pager provides a solution to this by demand paging parts of OP-TEE using virtual memory.

Secure memory

TrustZone protected SRAM is generally considered more secure than TrustZone protected DRAM as there is usually more attack vectors on DRAM. The attack vectors are hardware dependent and can be different for different platforms.

Backing store

TrustZone protected DRAM or in some cases non-secure DRAM is used as backing store. The data in the backing store is integrity protected with one hash (SHA-256) per page (4KiB). Readonly pages are not encrypted since the OP-TEE binary itself is not encrypted.

Partitioning of memory

The code that handles demand paging must always be available as it would otherwise lead to deadlock. The virtual memory is partitioned as:





init / paged




demand alloc

Where nozi stands for “not zero initialized”, this section contains entry stacks (thread stack when TEE pager is not enabled) and translation tables (TEE pager cached translation table when the pager is enabled and LPAE MMU is used).

The init area is available when OP-TEE is initializing and contains everything that is needed to initialize the pager. After the pager has been initialized this area will be used for demand paged instead.

The demand alloc area is a special area where the pages are allocated and removed from the pager on demand. Those pages are returned when OP-TEE does not need them any longer. The thread stacks currently belongs this area. This means that when a stack is not used the physical pages can be used by the pager for better performance.

The technique to gather code in the different area is based on compiling all functions and data into separate sections. The unpaged text and rodata is then gathered by linking all object files with --gc-sections to eliminate sections that are outside the dependency graph of the entry functions for unpaged functions. A script analyzes this ELF file and generates the bits of the final link script. The process is repeated for init text and rodata. What is not “unpaged” or “init” becomes “paged”.

Partitioning of the binary


The struct definitions provided in this section are explicitly covered by the following dual license:

SPDX-License-Identifier: (BSD-2-Clause OR GPL-2.0)

The binary is partitioned into four parts as:






The header is defined as:

#define OPTEE_MAGIC             0x4554504f
#define OPTEE_VERSION           1
#define OPTEE_ARCH_ARM32        0
#define OPTEE_ARCH_ARM64        1

struct optee_header {
        uint32_t magic;
        uint8_t version;
        uint8_t arch;
        uint16_t flags;
        uint32_t init_size;
        uint32_t init_load_addr_hi;
        uint32_t init_load_addr_lo;
        uint32_t init_mem_usage;
        uint32_t paged_size;

The header is only used by the loader of OP-TEE, not OP-TEE itself. To initialize OP-TEE the loader loads the complete binary into memory and copies what follows the header and the following init_size bytes to (init_load_addr_hi << 32 | init_load_addr_lo). init_mem_usage is used by the loader to be able to check that there is enough physical memory available for OP-TEE to be able to initialize at all. The loader supplies in r0/x0 the address of the first byte following what was not copied and jumps to the load address to start OP-TEE.

In addition to overall binary with partitions inside described as above, three extra binaries are generated simultaneously during build process for loaders who support loading separate binaries:

v2 binary


v2 binary



v2 binary


In this case, loaders load header binary first to get image list and information of each image; and then load each of them into specific load address assigned in structure. These binaries are named with v2 suffix to distinguish from the existing binaries. Header format is updated to help loaders loading binaries efficiently:


struct optee_image {
        uint32_t load_addr_hi;
        uint32_t load_addr_lo;
        uint32_t image_id;
        uint32_t size;

struct optee_header_v2 {
        uint32_t magic;
        uint8_t version;
        uint8_t arch;
        uint16_t flags;
        uint32_t nb_images;
        struct optee_image optee_image[];

Magic number and architecture are identical as original. Version is increased to two. load_addr_hi and load_addr_lo may be 0xFFFFFFFF for pageable binary since pageable part may get loaded by loader into dynamic available position. image_id indicates how loader handles current binary. Loaders who don’t support separate loading just ignore all v2 binaries.

Initializing the pager

The pager is initialized as early as possible during boot in order to minimize the “init” area. The global variable tee_mm_vcore describes the virtual memory range that is covered by the level 2 translation table supplied to tee_pager_init(...).

Assign pageable areas

A virtual memory range to be handled by the pager is registered with a call to tee_pager_add_core_area().

bool tee_pager_add_area(tee_mm_entry_t *mm,
                        uint32_t flags,
                        const void *store,
                        const void *hashes);

which takes a pointer to tee_mm_entry_t to tell the range, flags to tell how memory should be mapped (readonly, execute etc), and pointers to backing store and hashes of the pages.

Assign physical pages

Physical SRAM pages are supplied by calling tee_pager_add_pages(...)

void tee_pager_add_pages(tee_vaddr_t vaddr,
                         size_t npages,
                         bool unmap);

tee_pager_add_pages(...) takes the physical address stored in the entry mapping the virtual address vaddr and npages entries after that and uses it to map new pages when needed. The unmap parameter tells whether the pages should be unmapped immediately since they does not contain initialized data or be kept mapped until they need to be recycled. The pages in the “init” area are supplied with unmap == false since those page have valid content and are in use.


The pager is invoked as part of the abort handler. A pool of physical pages are used to map different virtual addresses. When a new virtual address needs to be mapped a free physical page is mapped at the new address, if a free physical page cannot be found the oldest physical page is selected instead. When the page is mapped new data is copied from backing store and the hash of the page is verified. If it is OK the pager returns from the exception to resume the execution.

Data structures


How the main pager data structures relates to each other

struct tee_pager_area

This is a central data structure when handling paged memory ranges. It’s defined as:

struct tee_pager_area {
    struct fobj *fobj;
    size_t fobj_pgoffs;
    enum tee_pager_area_type type;
    uint32_t flags;
    vaddr_t base;
    size_t size;
    struct pgt *pgt;
    TAILQ_ENTRY(tee_pager_area) link;
    TAILQ_ENTRY(tee_pager_area) fobj_link;

Where base and size tells the memory range and fobj and fobj_pgoffs holds the content. A struct tee_pager_area can only use struct fobj and one struct pgt (translation table) so memory ranges spanning multiple fobjs or pgts are split into multiple areas.

struct fobj

This is a polymorph object, using different implmentations depending on how it’s initialized. It’s defines as:

struct fobj_ops {
    void (*free)(struct fobj *fobj);
    TEE_Result (*load_page)(struct fobj *fobj, unsigned int page_idx,
                            void *va);
    TEE_Result (*save_page)(struct fobj *fobj, unsigned int page_idx,
                            const void *va);

struct fobj {
    const struct fobj_ops *ops;
    unsigned int num_pages;
    struct refcount refc;
    struct tee_pager_area_head areas;

Tells how many pages this fobj covers.


A reference counter, everyone referring to a fobj need to increase and decrease this as needed.


A list of areas using this fobj, traversed when making a virtual page unavailable.

struct tee_pager_pmem

This structure represents a physical page. It’s defined as:

struct tee_pager_pmem {
    unsigned int flags;
    unsigned int fobj_pgidx;
    struct fobj *fobj;
    void *va_alias;
    TAILQ_ENTRY(tee_pager_pmem) link;

Bit is set in flags when the page is mapped read/write at at least one location.


Bit is set in flags when the page is hidden, that is, not accessible anywhere.


The page at this index in the fobj is used in this physical page.


The fobj backing this page.


Virtual address where this physical page is updated when loading it from backing store or when writing it back.

All struct tee_pager_pmem are stored either in the global list tee_pager_pmem_head or in tee_pager_lock_pmem_head. The latter is used by pages which are mapped and then locked in memory on demand. The pages are returned back to tee_pager_pmem_head when the pages are exlicitly released with a call to tee_pager_release_phys().

A physical page can be used by more than one tee_pager_area simultaneously. This is also know as shared secure memory and will appear as such for both read-only and read-write mappings.

When a page is hidden it’s unmapped from all translation tables and the PMEM_FLAG_HIDDEN bit is set, but kept in memory. When a physical page is released it’s also unmapped from all translation tables and it’s content is written back to storage, then the fobj field is set to NULL to note the physical page as unused.

Note that when struct tee_pager_pmem references a fobj it doesn’t update the reference counter since it’s already guaranteed to be available due the struct tee_pager_area which must reference the fobj too.

Paging of user TA

Paging of user TAs can optionally be enabled with CFG_PAGED_USER_TA=y. Paging of user TAs is analogous to paging of OP-TEE kernel parts but with a few differences:

  • Read/write pages are paged in addition to read-only pages

  • Page tables are managed dynamically

tee_pager_add_uta_area(...) is used to setup initial read/write mapping needed when populating the TA. When the TA is fully populated and relocated tee_pager_set_uta_area_attr(...) changes the mapping of the area to strict permissions used when the TA is running.

Paging shared secure memory

Shared secure memory is achieved by letting several tee_pager_area using the same backing fobj. When a tee_pager_area is allocated and assigned a fobj it’s also added to a list for tee_pager_areas using this fobj. This helps when a physical page is released.

When a fault occurs first a matching tee_pager_area is located. Then tee_pager_pmem_head is searched to see if a physical page already holds the page of the fobj needed. If so the pgt is updated to map the physical page at the appropriate locatation. If no physical page was holding the page a new physical page is allocated, initialized and finally mapped.

In order to make as few updates to mappings as possible changes to less restricted, no access -> read-only or read-only to read-write, is done only for the virtual address was used when the page fault occurred. Changes in the other direction has to be done in all translation tables used to map the physical page.


Different stacks are used during different stages. The stacks are:

  • Secure monitor stack (128 bytes), bound to the CPU. Only available if OP-TEE is compiled with a secure monitor always the case if the target is Armv7-A but never for Armv8-A.

  • Temp stack (small ~1KB), bound to the CPU. Used when transitioning from one state to another. Interrupts are always disabled when using this stack, aborts are fatal when using the temp stack.

  • Abort stack (medium ~2KB), bound to the CPU. Used when trapping a data or pre-fetch abort. Aborts from user space are never fatal the TA is only killed. Aborts from kernel mode are used by the pager to do the demand paging, if pager is disabled all kernel mode aborts are fatal.

  • Thread stack (large ~8KB), not bound to the CPU instead used by the current thread/task. Interrupts are usually enabled when using this stack.

Notes for Armv7-A/AArch32




Assigned to SP_SVC during entry/exit, always assigned to SP_IRQ and SP_FIQ


Always assigned to SP_ABT


Assigned to SP_SVC while a thread is active

Notes for AArch64

There are only two stack pointers, SP_EL1 and SP_EL0, available for OP-TEE in AArch64. When an exception is received stack pointer is always SP_EL1 which is used temporarily while assigning an appropriate stack pointer for SP_EL0. SP_EL1 is always assigned the value of thread_core_local[cpu_id]. This structure has some spare space for temporary storage of registers and also keeps the relevant stack pointers. In general when we talk about assigning a stack pointer to the CPU below we mean SP_EL0.


During early boot the CPU is configured with the temp stack which is used until OP-TEE exits to normal world the first time.

Notes for AArch64

SPSEL is always 0 on entry/exit to have SP_EL0 acting as stack pointer.

Normal entry

Each time OP-TEE is entered from normal world the temp stack is used as the initial stack. For fast calls, this is the only stack used. For normal calls an empty thread slot is selected and the CPU switches to that stack.

Normal exit

Normal exit occurs when a thread has finished its task and the thread is freed. When the main thread function, tee_entry_std(...), returns interrupts are disabled and the CPU switches to the temp stack instead. The thread is freed and OP-TEE exits to normal world.

RPC exit

RPC exit occurs when OP-TEE need some service from normal world. RPC can currently only be performed with a thread is in running state. RPC is initiated with a call to thread_rpc(...) which saves the state in a way that when the thread is restored it will continue at the next instruction as if this function did a normal return. CPU switches to use the temp stack before returning to normal world.

Foreign interrupt exit

Foreign interrupt exit occurs when OP-TEE receives a foreign interrupt. For Arm GICv2 mode, foreign interrupt is sent as IRQ which is always handled in normal world. Foreign interrupt exit is similar to RPC exit but it is thread_irq_handler(...) and elx_irq(...) (respectively for Armv7-A/Aarch32 and for Aarch64) that saves the thread state instead. The thread is resumed in the same way though. For Arm GICv3 mode, foreign interrupt is sent as FIQ which could be handled by either secure world (EL3 in AArch64) or normal world. This mode is not supported yet.

Notes for Armv7-A/AArch32

SP_IRQ is initialized to temp stack instead of a separate stack. Prior to exiting to normal world CPU state is changed to SVC and temp stack is selected.

Notes for AArch64

SP_EL0 is assigned temp stack and is selected during IRQ processing. The original SP_EL0 is saved in the thread context to be restored when resuming.

Resume entry

OP-TEE is entered using the temp stack in the same way as for normal entry. The thread to resume is looked up and the state is restored to resume execution. The procedure to resume from an RPC exit or an foreign interrupt exit is exactly the same.


Syscall’s are executed using the thread stack.

Notes for Armv7-A/AArch32

Nothing special SP_SVC is already set with thread stack.

Notes for syscall AArch64

Early in the exception processing the original SP_EL0 is saved in struct thread_svc_regs in case the TA is executed in AArch64. Current thread stack is assigned to SP_EL0 which is then selected. When returning SP_EL0 is assigned what is in struct thread_svc_regs. This allows tee_svc_sys_return_helper(...) having the syscall exception handler return directly to thread_unwind_user_mode(...).

Shared Memory

Shared Memory is a block of memory that is shared between the non-secure and the secure world. It is used to transfer data between both worlds.

The shared memory is allocated and managed by the non-secure world, i.e. the Linux OP-TEE driver. Secure world only considers the individual shared buffers, not their pool. Each shared memory is referenced with associated attributes:

  • Buffer start address and byte size,

  • Cache attributes of the shared memory buffer,

  • List of chunks if mapped from noncontiguous pages.

Shared memory buffer references manipulated must fit inside one of the shared memory areas known from the OP-TEE core. OP-TEE supports two kinds of shared memory areas: an area for contiguous buffers and an area for noncontiguous buffers. At least one has to be enabled.

Contiguous shared memory is the historical OP-TEE legacy shared memory scheme where a specific physical memory area is shared. Nowadays, platforms tend to describe the physical memory layout and enable noncontiguous dynamic shared memory, allowing the non-secure OS to use its native system memory as legitimate shared memory references.

Contiguous shared buffers

Configuration directives CFG_SHMEM_START and CFG_SHMEM_SIZE define a share memory area where shared memory buffers are contiguous. Generic memory layout registers it as the MEM_AREA_NSEC_SHM memory area.

The non-secure world issues OPTEE_SMC_GET_SHM_CONFIG to retrieve contiguous shared memory area configuration:

  • Physical address of the start of the pool

  • Size of the pool

  • Whether or not the memory is cached

Contiguous shared memory (also known as static or reserved shared memory) is enabled with the configuration flag CFG_CORE_RESERVED_SHM=y.

Noncontiguous shared buffers

To benefit from noncontiguous shared memory buffers, platform shall enable dynamic shared memory (CFG_CORE_DYN_SHM=y). When enabled, OP-TEE core is given the main memory address range(s) seen from non-secure OS. Non-secure client application can simply register a memory buffer as (e.g. with TEEC_RegisterSharedMmeory()) so that it can be used in OP-TEE communication.

This feature requires Linux OP-TEE driver to properly handle the memory references of its various clients memories: userland applications, kernel drivers, remote services.

This feature also requires OP-TEE core to know the legitimate addresses ranges where non-secure can claim to use a shared memory page. The OP-TEE core generic boot sequence discovers dynamic shared areas from the device tree (memory nodes) and/or areas explicitly registered by the platform (register_ddr()).

Non-secure side needs to register buffers as 4kByte chunks lists into OP-TEE core using the OPTEE_MSG_CMD_REGISTER_SHM API prior referencing to them using the OP-TEE invocation API.

For performance reasons, the TEE Client Library (libteec) uses noncontiguous shared memory when available since it avoids copies in some situations.

Shared Memory Chunk Allocation

It is the Linux kernel driver for OP-TEE that is responsible for allocating chunks of shared memory. OP-TEE linux kernel driver relies on linux kernel generic allocation support (CONFIG_GENERIC_ALLOCATION) to allocation/release of shared memory physical chunks. OP-TEE linux kernel driver relies on linux kernel dma-buf support (CONFIG_DMA_SHARED_BUFFER) to track shared memory buffers references.

Registering shared memory

Only dynamic or physically non-contiguous shared memory needs to be registered. Static or physically contiguous shared memory is already known to OP-TEE OS.


With the SMC based OP-TEE MSG ABI there are a few exceptions where memory doesn’t need to be shared before it can be accessed from OP-TEE OS. These are:

  1. When issuing the SMC OPTEE_SMC_CALL_WITH_ARG where the physical address of the supplied struct optee_msg_arg is passed in one of the registers.

  2. When issuing the SMC OPTEE_SMC_CALL_RETURN_FROM_RPC as a return from the request OPTEE_SMC_RETURN_RPC_ALLOC to allocate memory. This RPC return is combined with an implicit registration of shared memory. The registration is ended with a OPTEE_SMC_RETURN_RPC_FREE request.

participant "Normal World\nOS Kernel" as ns
participant "Secure World\nOP-TEE OS" as sec

ns -> sec : OPTEE_MSG_CMD_REGISTER_SHM(Cookie, memory)
sec -> sec : Register shared memory passed
sec -> ns : Return

Register shared memory example

participant "Normal World\nOS Kernel" as ns
participant "Secure World\nOP-TEE OS" as sec

sec -> sec : Unregister shared memory
sec -> ns : Return

Unregister shared memory example


With the FF-A based OP-TEE MSG ABI memory must always be registered before it can be used by OP-TEE OS. This case can potentially also involve another component in secure world, SPMC at S-EL2 a secure hypervisor which controls which memory OP-TEE OS can see or use.

In the case where there are no SPMC at S-EL2 OP-TEE OS will take care of that part of the communication with normal world. This means that for normal world communication with OP-TEE OS is the same regardless of the presence of a secure hypervisor.

Registration of shared memory is a two step procedure. It’s first registered with a call to the SPMC which returns a cookie or global memory handle. This cookie is later used when calling OP-TEE OS, if the cookie isn’t already known to OP-TEE OS it will ask the SPMC to make the memory available. This lazy second step is a way of saving an extra round trip to secure world.

participant "Normal World\nOS Kernel" as ns
participant "Secure World\nSPMC" as spmc
participant "Secure World\nOP-TEE OS" as sec

ns -> spmc : FFA_MEM_SHARE(memory)
spmc -> spmc : Register shared memory passed
spmc -> ns : Return cookie

Register shared memory example

participant "Normal World\nOS Kernel" as ns
participant "Secure World\nSPMC" as spmc
participant "Secure World\nOP-TEE OS" as sec

alt cookie not known
    sec -> spmc : FFA_MEM_RETRIEVE_REQ(cookie)
    spmc -> sec : Return memory description
    sec -> sec : Register shared memory
sec -> sec : Process the yielding call
sec -> ns : Return

Calling OP-TEE OS with shared memory

Unregistration of shared memory is also done in two steps. First with a call to OP-TEE and then with a call to the SPMC. If the lazy second step of shared memory has not been done, then OP-TEE OS doesn’t need to interact with the SPMC.

participant "Normal World\nOS Kernel" as ns
participant "Secure World\nSPMC" as spmc
participant "Secure World\nOP-TEE OS" as sec

ns -> sec: OPTEE_FFA_UNREGISTER_SHM(cookie)
alt cookie known
    sec -> sec  : Unregister shared memory
    sec -> spmc : FFA_MEM_RELINQUISH(cookie)
    spmc -> sec : Return
sec -> ns : Return

ns -> spmc : FFA_MEM_RECLAIM(cookie)
spmc -> spmc : Unregister shared memory
spmc -> ns : Return

Unregister shared memroy

Using shared memory

From the Client Application

The client application can ask for shared memory allocation using the GlobalPlatform Client API function TEEC_AllocateSharedMemory(...). The client application can also register a memory through the GlobalPlatform Client API function TEEC_RegisterSharedMemory(...). The shared memory reference can then be used as parameter when invoking a trusted application.

From the Linux Driver

Occasionally the Linux kernel driver needs to allocate shared memory for the communication with secure world, for example when using buffers of type TEEC_TempMemoryReference.

From OP-TEE core

In case OP-TEE core needs information from TEE supplicant (dynamic TA loading, REE time request,…), shared memory must be allocated. Allocation depends on the use case. OP-TEE core asks for the following shared memory allocation:

  • optee_msg_arg structure, used to pass the arguments to the non-secure world, where the allocation will be done by sending a OPTEE_SMC_RPC_FUNC_ALLOC message.

  • In some cases, a payload might be needed for storing the result from TEE supplicant, for example when loading a Trusted Application. This type of allocation will be done by sending the message OPTEE_MSG_RPC_CMD_SHM_ALLOC(OPTEE_MSG_RPC_SHM_TYPE_APPL,...), which then will return:

    • the physical address of the shared memory

    • a handle to the memory, that later on will be used later on when freeing this memory.

From TEE Supplicant

TEE supplicant is also working with shared memory, used to exchange data between normal and secure worlds. TEE supplicant receives a memory address from the OP-TEE core, used to store the data. This is for example the case when a Trusted Application is loaded. In this case, TEE supplicant must register the provided shared memory in the same way a client application would do, involving the Linux driver.


SMC Interface

OP-TEE’s SMC interface is defined in two levels using optee_smc.h and optee_msg.h. The former file defines SMC identifiers and what is passed in the registers for each SMC. The latter file defines the OP-TEE Message protocol which is not restricted to only SMC even if that currently is the only option available.

SMC communication

The main structure used for the SMC communication is defined in struct optee_msg_arg (in optee_msg.h). If we are looking into the source code, we could see that communication mainly is achieved using optee_msg_arg and thread_smc_args (in thread.h), where optee_msg_arg could be seen as the main structure. What will happen is that the Linux kernel TEE framework driver will get the parameters either from optee_client or directly from an internal service in Linux kernel. The TEE driver will populate the struct optee_msg_arg with the parameters plus some additional bookkeeping information. Parameters for the SMC are passed in registers 1 to 7, register 0 holds the SMC id which among other things tells whether it is a standard or a fast call.

Thread handling

OP-TEE core uses a couple of threads to be able to support running jobs in parallel (not fully enabled!). There are handlers for different purposes. In thread.c you will find a function called thread_init_primary(...) which assigns init_handlers (functions) that should be called when OP-TEE core receives standard or fast calls, FIQ and PSCI calls. There are default handlers for these services, but the platform can decide if they want to implement their own platform specific handlers instead.

Synchronization primitives

OP-TEE has three primitives for synchronization of threads and CPUs: spin-lock, mutex, and condvar.


A spin-lock is represented as an unsigned int. This is the most primitive lock. Interrupts should be disabled before attempting to take a spin-lock and should remain disabled until the lock is released. A spin-lock is initialized with SPINLOCK_UNLOCK.

Spin lock functions




Locks a spin-lock


Locks a spin-lock if unlocked and returns 0 else the spin-lock is unchanged and the function returns !0


Unlocks a spin-lock


A mutex is represented by struct mutex. A mutex can be locked and unlocked with interrupts enabled or disabled, but only from a normal thread. A mutex cannot be used in an interrupt handler, abort handler or before a thread has been selected for the CPU. A mutex is initialized with either MUTEX_INITIALIZER or mutex_init(...).

Mutex functions




Locks a mutex. If the mutex is unlocked this is a fast operation, else the function issues an RPC to wait in normal world.


Unlocks a mutex. If there is no waiters this is a fast operation, else the function issues an RPC to wake up a waiter in normal world.


Locks a mutex if unlocked and returns true else the mutex is unchanged and the function returns false.


Asserts that the mutex is unlocked and there is no waiters, after this the memory used by the mutex can be freed.

When a mutex is locked it is owned by the thread calling mutex_lock(...) or mutex_trylock(...), the mutex may only be unlocked by the thread owning the mutex. A thread should not exit to TA user space when holding a mutex.


A condvar is represented by struct condvar. A condvar is similar to a pthread_condvar_t in the pthreads standard, only less advanced. Condition variables are used to wait for some condition to be fulfilled and are always used together a mutex. Once a condition variable has been used together with a certain mutex, it must only be used with that mutex until destroyed. A condvar is initialized with CONDVAR_INITIALIZER or condvar_init(...).

Condvar functions




Atomically unlocks the supplied mutex and waits in normal world via an RPC for the condition variable to be signaled, when the function returns the mutex is locked again.


Wakes up one waiter of the condition variable (waiting in condvar_wait(...)).


Wake up all waiters of the condition variable.

The caller of condvar_signal(...) or condvar_broadcast(...) should hold the mutex associated with the condition variable to guarantee that a waiter does not miss the signal.